Transforming for Tomorrow
Transforming for Tomorrow is an initiative of Plainfield United Methodist Church that will update, renovate, and prepare its building for effective and meaningful ministry tomorrow and beyond. We will improve the building and property at 600 Simmons Street, Plainfield, through this five-year project. We will provide everyone, especially newcomers, with the whole experience of the grace and love of God that we talk about so that all of a person’s experience. The ease of parking, wayfinding signs, a pleasant appearance, security for children, up-to-date restrooms, and more — matches our words of grace and welcome. Find project details and plans and photos, helpful documents, FAQs, and leadership contact information.
- What are the projects?
- Find a complete list of projects in the document: "Transforming for Tomorrow Project Summary" (currently titled Attachment A). Documents > 01-General Information > t4t_attachment_a.pdf
- How is the order of projects being determined?
- “The Steering Committee recognizes that much time, thought, and deliberation has been invested to establish the four tiers of projects that are within the scope of the approved Transforming for Tomorrow motion. The Steering Committee also recognizes that the four tiers were not established to provide a sequential listing of prioritized projects without the flexibility to deviate, but rather they were established in order to provide general guidelines to the Steering Committee on which projects might be considered and prioritized by the Steering Committee.
- The sequencing of project selection and initiation process employed by the Steering Committee will utilize Attachment A [now titled Transforming for Tomorrow Project Summary] as a guiding document, but the Steering Committee will also prayerfully consider additional factors such as urgency, seasonality, practicality, efficiency, and missional impact.
- In order to best serve the congregation, flexibility and agility for project selection and initiation will be critical enablers for success.”
- Will there be any debt to the church related to Transforming for Tomorrow?
- No. You’ll find in the language of the motion approved by PUMC Church Council on November 8, 2017, that “PUMC will incur no lasting debt in the accomplishment of these projects beyond its ability to fund the projects through recorded financial gifts and pledges.”
- The entirety of the approved motion reads:
- Whereas: there are needs for capital improvements which cannot be funded by the Basic Ministry Budget; and
- Whereas: many of these capital improvements serve to allow for growth; and
- Whereas: our current growth makes these improvements especially timely; and
- Whereas: some of the items are necessary and immediate maintenance items;
- Therefore: The PUMC Council moves that PUMC engage in a capital finance campaign soliciting gifts and pledges to be received up to a 5 year period, which shall be used to complete as many of the projects shown on Attachment A as may be accomplished with recorded gifts and pledges and which shall be commenced in the order specified by the Transforming for Tomorrow Steering Committee after considering suggestions by the PUMC congregation and the recommendations of the Transforming for Tomorrow Project Management, Fundraising, and Communications Committees. Ten percent (10%) of the campaign gifts received shall be placed in the PUMC Major Maintenance account to pay for future capital repairs and maintenance with costs exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Financing costs may be incurred where necessary to provide cash flow between the time when pledged gifts are received and the commencement and completion dates of a project. All project expenses and financing costs will be paid for by funds raised from the capital campaign. PUMC will incur no lasting debt in the accomplishments of these projects beyond its ability to fund the projects through recorded financial gifts and pledges.
- How can I donate to or pledge towards Transforming for Tomorrow?
- Donations can be made in one of several ways:
- Mail a check to PUMC, 600 Simmons St., Plainfield, IN, 46168, and include “Transforming for Tomorrow” in the memo line.
- Make a secure, online donation at SecureGive (https://pumc.securegive.com). Indicate “Transforming for Tomorrow” in the notes section. You may make a one-time donation here or set-up ongoing, recurring gifts.
- Pledges to be fulfilled over the life of this five-year campaign can be made by phoning Financial Administrator, Rebecca Blackwelder, at 317.839.2319 (ext. 227), to set-up regular, recurring ACH withdrawals from your bank account.
- Pledges towards this campaign allow work to progress and projects to be completed in a timely manner while you spread your giving out over the coming months or years.
- Can I donate to a specific project?
- It is most helpful to the timely and successful completion of Transforming for Tomorrow to receive undesignated gifts.
- How can I help beyond my financial gift?
- Your prayers will be a vital contribution to the successful completion of Transforming for Tomorrow. Please join with others and project leadership in daily praying [this prayer]. And there will be opportunities to contribute time and effort to particular projects throughout the life of the Transforming for Tomorrow initiative. These opportunities will be published here on this website and through all of PUMC’s communication channels.
- Who do I contact with questions or to learn more?
- Phone the church office at 317.839.2319.
Pledge Card

Kimberly Meyer
Steering Committee Chairperson
Rev. Charlie Wilfong
Lead Pastor