Sunday, August 1, 2021
It’s what Richard told the choir. They were a timid bunch. He helped them sing with joy and love. But, when he wanted them to sing with all the volume, passion, and gusto they could bring, he said, “Just throw your head back and sing your face off!” A little different as a choral direction, but effective.
It brings a smile and an inward chuckle. I remember that phrase when I hear strong congregational singing. We’ve been missing it. In fact, I’ve noticed that my voice does not seem as strong as it was back when we were singing in worship each week. Yet another result of the pandemic.
August 1 is “Sing Your Face Off!” Sunday!
We are going to sing together again. On Sunday, August 1, we will host “Sing Your Face Off!” Sunday in Classic Worship. Make plans now to attend worship for this inspiring return to congregational singing and so much more.
That Sunday morning we will return to two services each Sunday for Classic Worship in the sanctuary: 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. The Sanctuary Choir will be assembled and singing. (They’re rehearsing for it now!) Worship will feature a “hymn sing” of cherished favorites with devotional reflections on the meaning and origin of some of the hymns.
Worship in NewDay Praise on August 1 will also center on music and singing together at 10:00 a.m. in the Worship Annex.
It will be a great day to come back, enjoy in-person fellowship, and sing our faith.
Music and singing are so important to our faith. I’m reminded of Psalms 100, which says, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into God’s presence with singing.”
I paraphrase the “joyful noise” part to mean, “sing your face off!” (I’m sure that is the intent of the original biblical Hebrew.)
There is something about singing and laughter that takes us to a higher place. They help us to transcend—to “rise above”—the things that bother and concern us. There are few things like singing favorite songs to help us to live “in the moment.” Maybe that’s why so many of us have favorite music playlists for vacation. It’s so much fun to sing along in the car together!
God knows we need renewal.
Even when we’re not making sacrifices for a global pandemic, God knows there are times when we need a fresh start. We are invited, “O sing to the Lord a new song,” in Psalms 96:1.
Attend worship on August 1 for “Sing Your Face Off!” Sunday. Enjoy singing along to a playlist that will soothe your soul and warm your heart. Let it be a new beginning for you in your faith as we sing together with all the volume, passion, and gusto we can bring.
Go in peace. Go with God. And be well.
Charlie Wilfong
Lead Pastor