"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." – Matthew 6:21 (NIV)
What is an Endowment Program?
The purpose of the PUMC Endowment Program is to provide members and friends of the church the opportunity to pledge charitable gifts to the church today that will become part of a permanent endowment of financial support for ministry tomorrow and well into the future.
Endowments are permanent funds established by donors whereby only the interest each year is used for ministry and mission in and through PUMC, assuring the lasting legacy of each donor and gift.
Many Ways to Give
There are two types of gifts, a current gift, and a future gift. Each provides unique tax and financial benefits to the donor.
- Bequest (a gift through your will)
- Annuity (provide lifetime income for the donor or designee)
- Charitable Trust (may provide income to donor or designee)
- Life Estate (deed property to the church while retaining full rights to live on the property for life)
- Life Insurance (make PUMC Endowments the beneficiary)
- Cash (maybe a deduction for income tax purposes)
- Real Estate (pass on capital gains to endowments tax-free)
- Securities (pass on capital gains to endowments tax-free)
Six Endowment Funds support the mission of Plainfield United Methodist Church. A donor may give to any of these funds or create a new fund with the approval of the PUMC Endowment Committee.

Memorial Endowment
WHAT IF there were funds:
- Creating opportunities for PUMC to achieve unlimited missions?
- So PUMC could financially provide Christian outreach in many ways?
- That gives PUMC the flexibility to meet multiple needs as they arise for future generations?
- To assure PUMC has the flexibility and means necessary to meet any future needs?

Mission Endowment
WHAT IF there were funds:
- To help eliminate suffering in our community, our country, and the world?
- That provided opportunities for people where none exist today?
- To provide education that could break the cycle of poverty?
- To assure PUMC can respond to future mission needs, whatever they are?

Worship, Music, & Arts Endowment
WHAT IF there were funds:
- Allowing the worship experience to be uplifting and meaningful through special music, creative artistic expression, and better technology?
- To allow creative ministries to be an outreach to the community with unique performances that showcase the warmth and hospitality of Christian love?
- To assure worship at PUMC will always have the means to be a beacon for those who come to worship God?

Pipe Organ Preservation & Use Endowment
WHAT IF there were funds:
- To cover the expenses of major pipe organ repair?
- To allow for enhancements, improvements, modernization, and additions to the pipe organ?
- To provide organ concerts and recitals for the congregation and general public?

Children & Youth Endowment
WHAT IF there were funds:
- Insuring our ability to teach future generations Christian education?
- To allow our youth positive outreach and mission opportunities now and for future generations?
- To assure PUMC’s emphasis on providing Christian opportunities for our youth never ends?

Buildings & Grounds Endowment
WHAT IF there were funds:
- To provide a well-maintained building for Christian worship?
- To provide a safe environment for worship, education, and fellowship?
- To allow PUMC to remain a vibrant, ever-growing house of worship for future generations?
- To assure the community has a suitable place of worship far into the future?
Benefits of Endowment Giving
- Assure the future of God’s work through PUMC
- Pass on your generosity to future generations
- Provide gifts to repeatedly benefit others
- Honor and remember a special person or event
- Become a good steward of God’s gifts
- Transform needs into opportunities
- Receive tax benefits (consult your tax professional)
- Have the potential to receive income from your gift
- Create a legacy for others to follow
Please help us answer the question, WHAT IF? To learn more about the benefits and blessings of making a gift, contact the PUMC Endowment Committee using the contact information listed below:
Plainfield United Methodist Church
Endowment Program
600 Simmons Street, Plainfield, IN 46168
PUMC Endowment Funds are managed by an independent, professional investment advisor.

If you have questions about the Plainfield UMC Endowment Program, please click the button below.
If your ministry would like to apply for a grant, please press the button below.