About Classic Worship
Classic worship is at 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. in the Main Sanctuary, enter door #1.
Worship has always been a central activity of Christians through the centuries and around the world. People of faith gather regularly to praise God, hear a meaningful word from the Bible, and be comforted by the familiar songs and friendly people. Classic Worship at PUMC includes all of this and more.
With a newly installed pipe organ to accompany, hymn singing is always a part of Classic Worship, as is a relevant, Bible-based message; prayer; the sacrament of Holy Communion; and various choirs and musical groups that present special musical selections. Special times of the year such as Christmas and Easter are celebrated with seasonal observances and music. Creative themes and unique presentations on occasion also help to make Classic Worship inviting and engaging.
Attire is whatever you find to be comfortable. Jeans, suits and ties, and ‘business casual’ can all be found in PUMC Classic Worship. Classic Worship is offered every Sunday morning at 8:45 a.m. Worship includes organ, piano, and bell and vocal choirs as well as soloists and various instrumental ensembles from time to time. Worshipers are invited to sing hymns and participate in prayer and responsive readings. Worship always includes a Bible-based message to encourage the worshiper in faithful living.
Children are always welcome in worship. Infant and toddler care is provided for your convenience from 8:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. every Sunday.
Connect with God and connect with others this Sunday. Join us at PUMC for Classic Worship